Reiki + Holistic Healing

Reclaim your power with Reiki.

A Reiki session with me is for you if you want intuitive guidance, energy clearing, and a trained therapist to assist you in seeing your best path forward. I wish to empower you to be your favorite self.

Perhaps you’re craving quiet time, away from the busy and bustling life you’ve built.

You work really hard and want some of the heavy lifting of life taken from you.

It’s been challenging to find the space to take good care of yourself, and you’d like to work with a professional to keep you accountable to carving out time for healing.

I will administer Reiki to clear your energy and help you release what isn’t yours.



What to expect at your session.

After you have filled out the Informed Consent form online, we will start out with a conversational check in where we will set an intention for your session, you tell me a bit about the presenting issue, what you’re hoping to clear from your field, any spiritual guidance you’re looking for, and more.

I will offer you a card pull, usually from an oracle deck.

You will lay down on a Reiki table fully clothed and under a blanket if you would like. Dress comfortably, like you’re planning to sit in meditation for an extended period, or even in PJs! The softer and cozier, the better. You will remove your shoes to allow the energy to flow.

I will gently lay my hands on different areas of your body with your consent, or I can use distance Reiki if you prefer not to be touched. This hands-on portion is typically 40-50 minutes.

After the hands-on portion, we will have another check in where I explain what I felt, saw and experienced and you can offer your thoughts, feedback, and ask questions. We will close out from here.

We can schedule a follow up, or you can wait to see what the effects of the treatment were on you.

Some things you can expect after a Reiki session:

-vivid dreams

-like a weight is lifted off your shoulders

-feeling more spontaneous and hopeful

-tired, drained, like you need to sleep (this will pass)

-heightened mental activity

-the feeling of knowing something without knowing why

-creative breakthroughs

-emotional releases

-physical sensations in the chakras


With any treatment, integration is key. The intention you set at the beginning of our session is your guidepost in integrating what you get from Reiki into your life.

This session is a stop on your timeline of your life. There is a beginning, a middle and an end. And then life continues.

I hope that the intention you set is part of a pattern you are seeing in your life and you will look for ways that answers are being revealed and clarity is formulating.

You are more powerful than you realize. Everything you need is within you. Reiki is a tool to help you unlock your truth and potential.

Reiki is a form of energy healing. The word Reiki translates to “universal life force energy” and is a gentle technique in which the practitioner uses the energy of Reiki to clear any blockages the client possesses, and amplifies healing in the subtle energy body. Special focus and attention is given to the 9 major chakras, or energy centers, of the body. These chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, ears, third eye, crown, soul/aura.

As a social worker, I am passionate about helping clients learn, grow, expand and heal in all areas of life. I approach my work from the biopsychosocialspiritual approach, meaning body, mind, community and spirit. I envision Reiki sessions to be able to address all of these areas of your energy field.