Visualization for Dreamers

What you see now

The way you see your life is almost overwhelming.

You’re caught in the mire, even though you want so much out of life. No matter what you try, it seems just out of reach.

What if there is something within you that can help you make sense of all of this chaos?

What’s in your way…

When you’re worried about a future outcome, you may notice anxiety creeping in on you.

Your heart takes off, and so do all those unwanted thoughts. Before you know it, you’re sweating and can barely catch your breath.

Hypervigilant, you notice even the tiniest change in your environment – always on alert for any hidden dangers.

And often, the harder you try to calm down, the worse it gets.

Anxiety can be a trauma response that functions as an attempt to reclaim power over your experiences. Though it’s trying to help you, it gets in the way.

What you want to see…

When you’re experiencing anxiety, you’re picturing future outcomes you want to control, but that leaves you feeling disempowered.

The first thing to know is a bit of a paradox –

We’re actually in control of very little. But once you release your need for control, you’ll get something far better than you can imagine.

What you can control…

Something you can begin to control is your thoughts.

You can begin to notice patterns that arise as you get into certain trains of thought. It’s a straightforward practice, but it can be incredibly empowering – and life-changing.

With thoughts… come pictures. Our minds often think in pictures.

When you put a picture of something in your mind, playing out the situation that worries you, your mind doesn’t know the difference between thinking about something happening – and going through the action of what you’re thinking about.

Control… through visualization.

Because of this incredible power of your mind, visualization can help ease pain and quell anxiety. Visualization allows you to take control of your worries and to insert a picture of the outcome you desire in your mind.

If you’re going to think about a future outcome, you can use this superpower of your mind to think through the result for the highest good for you and all involved, instead of the pain of unwanted outcomes.

When you imagine it, you put yourself through it. Your brain thinks you’ve achieved it.

Visualization… to realization.

Visualization helps make doing it in 3D reality easier.

You’ve “been here before.” You’ll recognize the bodily sensations, emotions, and feelings you had while visualizing the outcome. You’ll know the steps to take to get there as you’re living your life.

It’s a little “woo woo,” but it’s a LOT of results and outcome-oriented. This process is brain science.

And energetic law.

Stop hesitating at every corner. Take back control of your life.

As a trained therapist, I work with you to help you notice your thought patterns and to develop new, empowering thoughts that connect you to your most profound truth and aligned outcomes.

As we work together, I’ll support you in replacing these negative thought patterns with more empowering and positive ones. I’ll guide you in seeing your future playing out in a way that serves you and feels good.

You can reclaim the mental space you dedicated to anxiety and give it back to excitement.

You deserve to live the life of your wildest dreams.

Visualization can help you plot the path from here… to there.

And I am your accountability partner and safe space through it all.